How the Leagues work – Tuesday Night Match Play
Format: Two person team. Best Ball match play – Handicapped. Each team will consist of 2 individual best ball matches (#1 vs #1, #2 vs #2) that are worth 3 pts. each for winning your match. Each hole is worth 2 pts, low ball and low total. Teams will accumulate points during the round robin matches for the 8 weeks. Week 9 reserved for a possible makeup from a cancelation night or a playoff between 1&2. 3&4 etc. We will be using the handicap app call to manage handicaps, league standings and schedules.
Registration is Closed
League Info & Toptracer Rules Below
How the Leagues work – Wednesday Night Scramble
Format: Three person team scramble. 18 holes of scramble play – Handicapped. Each team will consist of 3 individual l. Team score will be determined by their 18 hole course score minus the team handicap. Teams will take their top 8 scores and drop their high score to figure out places.
Online Registration is now closed
Please email. me ( if you would like to be put on a waiting list if someone opens up.
How the Leagues work – Thursday Night Ladies
Format: Drop In League. Format: Blind Draw at 5:30. Players will be split into scramble teams and play 9 -holes on a different course each week. Weekly prizes will be available each week. Cost to play each week is $15 with bays available from 5 pm to 8 pm. The Bunker will also have, on Thursday nights, live music in the restaurant for your enjoyment.
League Info & Rules:
- Toptracer Set-up: Info
- Use the “Toptracer Range” app to log into the system
- Select the course of the week from the scorecard
- Match play – select either the front or back nine
- Tees – second tee from back (men ) Most forward tee (women – not juniors)
- Toptracer Technology Glitches. Heavy Rain or snow – sometimes will not track
- Toptracer Rules:
- Legit re-hit rule – Sometimes a ball doesn’t track; in this case, everyone in your group will agree it is no penalty. Rehit shot
- Double Duff Rule – Must get the ball 10 feet and in the air in order for it to track. Men get 2 duffs per shot; Women get as many as they feel comfortable with…Penalty stoke after said shots.